Search Results for: Jerry Baden


Some of us think happiness is dependent on things outside of ourselves—we’ll be happy when…or happy because…or happy if… Others think of happiness as a rare and fleeting thing, or are dubious …Read more >


The main presumption of existence is that life is one thing after another—that time is a one-way, no-return, take-your-lumps kind of deal. Hence the mild surprise with the question whether time has …Read more >

Landmark Insights: Shifting the horizon of what’s possible

We often approach life counting on a certain order of things, thinking that predictability and control are possible. Then we encounter the experience of uncertainty, often with chaos close on its heels. …Read more >

At some point in our relationships, we’ll likely have the thought that something’s missing—that we’re not fully satisfied. Dissatisfaction invariably follows satisfaction, because what we so often do with satisfaction is try …Read more >