2011 A Year of Yes
Top Posts:
- David CunninghamVenturing beyond existing realities
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- Gopal RaoAn excursion into possibility
- Gitanjali KoppikarBusiness not as usual
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El Foro Landmark
Jupid, Jupiter, Jupidest—the next, best, better thing
By David Cunningham
Hundreds of flavors of ice cream, countless selections of movie channels, an infinite choice of mates, our daily round of work and play, our incessant getting and spending—the world of “more, better, different” is the air we breathe and its pull is ubiquitous.
It looks a lot like this: we search around and move around and do things and act and keep expanding and going for more or better and sometimes we get kind of stuck. But then we break out and we find a new place in life and we are off again expanding and growing and we keep on doing things and often get more from or better at doing that. And that’s what life’s like. Growing and expanding and learning and getting more, experimenting, trying things out differently. We might avoid the question “is this it” or “is this all there is” for a while, especially when we don’t have enough of what we’re after—like money, status, or comfort. But after we’ve got “enough,” the odds are we’ll visit those questions yet again.
More, better, different is the language of change—it’s comparative, defined and understood in light of the past. It’s about becoming. The language of possibility doesn’t necessitate changing anything. Possibility originates in the future, not the past. It’s about being, not becoming. Creating possibility is a stand, a declaration of who we are and what we’re out to create. It’s not taking what is and changing it—it’s taking what isn’t, and having it be. It’s about creating an extraordinary life as a place from which to come rather than a place to get—it’s about living life as a creative act.
David Cunningham
Landmark Forum leader
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David CunninghamJupid, Jupiter, Jupidest—the next, best, better thing
David CunninghamJupid, Jupiter, Jupidest—the next, best, better thing