Grads Making a Difference

musicians image, harmony4kidz, charitable organization, community service, ngo, landmark forum graduates making a difference

musicians image, harmony4kidz, charitable organization, community service, ngo, landmark forum graduates making a differenceWhile planning a music event in Central Park, Landmark graduate Irena Makarchuk encountered a group of children eager to spread the word about the concert. To her surprise, 200 of these children were homeless. These children were talented yet invisible, strong yet alone, and independent yet in need.

This chance encounter left an impression on Makarchuk. The day after the Central Park event, Makarchuk wrote “Save the World”, a song that, along with her participation in a Landmark program, led her to create of Harmony4Kidz, an organization that advocates music education for children in the tri-state area.

Harmony4Kidz partners with other organizations and businesses to provide musical instruments, music lessons, housing, and shelter for homeless young people. The “Harmony4Kidz fund” was developed to create essential programs and two shelters: The Union Square Center and the Bridgeport Center.

irena makarchuk headshot, harmony4kidz nonprofit, non-profit organization, landmark forum graduates making a differenceThe organization uses pubic music events and gatherings to raise awareness, cultivate community, and bring a message of peace. “Harmony stands for three things—music, peace, and being in harmony with the environment,” Makarchuk says. “We want to teach young people how to be innovative, creative, and not want to be on the streets. When you really believe in them, all their gifts come out and you see them develop into amazing citizens and contributors.”