Landmark Forum Leader Insights


Power and freedom in the face of doubt

Power and freedom in the face of doubt

Doubt was my connection to the world. Imagine the responsibility of losing it. Where would that lead? No wonder I was afraid of seeing so well.*

Living in the face of a possibility can sometimes be difficult—difficult in the ways poetry, music, or a deep intimacy can be difficult, because it doesn’t explain, it doesn’t rationalize, describe, or define—and can often carry with it a sense of doubt.

Power and freedom don’t usually come about because we want them, because they would be good to have. When we become aware of holding old or limiting views, and examine them, we open ourselves to alternatives. What gives power and freedom in the face of doubt is to live in a possibility that calls for them. We become interested in what might be, in creating visions, in establishing environments where the pull of possibility trumps the pull of doubt. Doing so requires a certain commitment, certain practices, a certain giving up and leaving behind old notions, and a clarity that who we are and what we say, can cause a new experience in living. Even at its earliest stages, possibility leaves us with power and freedom.

*Tobias Wolff

Landmark Forum leader, Larry Pearson
Larry Pearson
Landmark Forum leader

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