Grads Making a Difference

natasha grossman headshot, walk a mile non-profit org, ngo, landmark forum graduates making a difference

natasha grossman headshot, walk a mile non-profit org, ngo, landmark forum graduates making a differenceWhile Natasha Grossman was studying social work and interning at a welfare-reform lobbying organization in Washington State, she saw first-hand the cultural gap that existed between welfare policy-makers and welfare recipients.

“Why can’t members of each group spend time together learning about how the other works and lives?” Grossman asked. After participating in one of Landmark’s community-focused programs, Grossman answered her own question by forming the Walk a Mile program, which is now used in the U.S. Congress, as well as in 25+ states.

During the month-long program, welfare policymakers agree to feed their families on a typical food-stamp budget. They also chat with welfare recipients twice a week on the phone about recent challenges. Lawmakers learn the effects of their legislation on people’s lives, and welfare recipients experience the difficult work of crafting new social policy. Walk a Mile has graduated many proponents, including legislators who testify to being more informed about the adversities poor people face and recipients who can claim better services and enjoy a newfound political voice.

“I’m not the sort of person who does things like this,” Grossman concedes. “I have never been a welfare recipient. Had it not been for the coaching, project management skills, and confidence I learned through Landmark’s program, Walk a Mile would have remained a good idea, nothing more. I’m just someone who got passionate and took action.”